Team Building

Hi bloggers I'm back , I'm going to talk about team building why we did it and what we did.There are 4 actives that involved communicating working hard and getting along with anybody in your group.

We started with how could make the long chain even thought we only had 4 people and one pare of scissors a long sheet of paper with a bit of tape

.Next my home base went to miss roach and that was cup staking and we only had one piece of string and a rubber band.
And on Wednesday we when to Miss Brittenden to make the biggest tower out of  a hand full of spaghetti and a cup of marshmallows twice our tower full over but it was a bunched of fun at the end most of us eat the marshmallows.
On Thursday I went to Miss Kearsly the task was to make a stretcher out of newspaper and string and tape.We had to put some books and a cup of water and race to the other end we were the winning team.My favourite was the Spaghetti and marshmallows tower with Miss Brittenden.
 How we communicated was to listen to everybody's Ideas and started with a plan.

Thank you for reading my post and comment do you do team building at your school. Ana


  1. These were wonderful activities and you did a great job of them Ana.


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